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shape the power industry of the future

become an engineer for renewable energies

energy systems engineering, b.eng.

faculty european campus rottal-inn





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will find a job

within 2 months






shape the power industry of the future!

#energysystemtechnology #smartgrids #renewableenergy #energygrids #geoinformationsystems #energysupply #measurementtechnology

#sustainability #controltechnology #climatechange #energystorage #energysystem #digitalisation

#intelligentpowergrid #energytransition #powerstorage #artificialintelligence #greenenergy #smartbuildings


We humans take it for granted that we will always have access to energy. At any time, in unlimited quantities and almost anywhere. The future of our energy supply lies in renewable energies such as wind power, geothermal energy or solar energy. In the Energy Systems Engineering degree programme at the European Campus Rottal-Inn in Pfarrkirchen, you will be trained as an engineer for energy systems technology and deal with energy generation, conversion, storage, use and transport. This enables you to shape the change in the energy supply system away from fossil raw materials as an energy source towards renewable energies. With your help, for example, new supply concepts are created, you deal with decentralised energy systems, you ensure the security of the energy supply or further develop the intelligent power grid. Everything for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy industry.

fact sheet energy systems engineering

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

Duration: 7 semesters (3.5 years)

ECTS points: 210

Start: October (winter semester)

Location: European Campus Rottal-Inn, Pfarrkirchen, Germany

Taught in: English

Application period: 15 April - 15 July

Admission requirements:

  • General German university entrance qualification, or please check your eligibilty at the DAAD if you own an international qualification
  • English level B2 (see language requirements)

Application procedure:

Tuition fees:

  • No tuition fees, only student union fee
  • International students from non-EU/EEA countries are required to pay service fees for each semester. Click here to read about our service fees.

Enquiries: welcome@th-deg.deprospective student advisors

career prospects 

The tranformation of energy systems and their supply technologies is an exciting area, regarded as a major global development challenge that will remain dominant over the lifespan of your future career. Expect to develop your career as a graduate in the following fields:

  • Development of energy systems and smart grids
  • Smart buildings: design and development of intelligent energy management systems
  • Deploying, commissioning, service and maintenance
  • Monitoring and assessment of energy systems
  • Management of energy networks (electricity and gas)
  • Project planning

You will be taught completely in English and this language training, coupled with intercultural aspects of the course, will perfectly prepare you for success in the national and international job market.

subject overview

Overview of the courses (From the Study and Examination Regulations), Weekly Semester Hours (SWS) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) for the Bachelor's degree Energy Systems Engineering.

1. Semester SWS   ECTS
Analytical Principles of Engineering 4 5
Informatics 1 4 5
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 4 5
Physics 4 5
Chemistry 4 5
Foreign Language 1 4 4
2. Semester SWS ECTS
Mathematics for Engineering 4 5
Informatics 2 4 5
Electrical and Power Engineering 4 5
Lab Work in Natural Sciences 4 5
Materials and Design 4 5
Intercultural Competences 2 2
Scientific Compulsory Elective Subject (AWP) 1 2 2
Foreign Language 2 2 2
3. Semester SWS ECTS
Advanced Mathematics 4 5
Energy Technology 4 5
Measurement and Control Engineering 4 5
Fundamentals of Energy Economy 4 5
Project Work I including Scientific Writing 6 6
Foreign Language 3 4 4
4. Semester SWS ECTS
Project Work 2 incl. Simulation and Design 6 6
Renewable Energies 4 5
Sustainability 4 5
Plant Engineering 4 5
Compulsory Elective 1* 4 5
Scientific Compulsory Elective Subject (AWP) 2 2 2
Foreign Language 4 2 2
5. Semester SWS ECTS
Internship including PLV seminars 30 30
6. Semester    
Power Grid Technologies 4 5
Energy Storage 4 5
Smart Systems and Technologies 4 5
Compolsory Elective 2* 4 5
Project Work 3 including Lab Work in Energy Systems 8 10
7. Semester SWS ECTS
Grid Management 4 5
Site Planning and GIS 4 5
Compulsory Elective 3* 4 5
Bachelor Thesis incl. Bachelor Seminar 14 15
*Compulsory Elective 1-3: Students must aquire 15 ECTS credits from the "Pool of Electives 1-3"    
Pool of Electives 1-3    
  • Advanced Fluid and Energy Technology
  • Computer Simulation in Energy and Resource Economics
  • Energy and Ressource Efficiency
  • Energy Economics Policy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Health Safety Environment
  • International Energy Regulations
  • Modelling Theory
  • MRO-Strategies and Process Reliability
  • Operational Processes
  • Principles of Energy Systems Management
  • Process Engineering
  • Process Optimisation
  • Safety and Security in Energy Systems
  • Strategic Planning and Project Management
  • Technology and Intellectual Property Rights Management