The IT centre of DIT will help you with technical problems, it is located on the 2nd floor of the ITC2+ building, behind the ITC2.
Service times of the IT service desk:
Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 15:00
Friday: 08:00 - 13:00
All students receive a user ID for the duration of their studies. This gives them access to the Internet, a personal e-mail account and all the courses offered. Many of the services offered via the campus network can also be used worldwide via web browser.
To protect our infrastructure and your data, a multifactor authentication requirement applies to most services and the VPN. For more information on how to set this up, please visit:
The IT centre of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology offers secure access to the university's IT services via the eduVPN service.
How does eduVPN work?
The eduVPN client establishes a secure tunnel via your existing internet connection. Authentication takes place via your university e-mail address.
First steps with eduVPN
You can find the official eduVPN client at: or in the respective app stores.
When using your user account for the first time, you will need to set up MFA. Use an authentication app for this, e.g. Microsoft Authenticator.
You can change or add the security information for MEA at any time at
Start the eduVPN client, search for the organisation "Deggendorf Institute of Technology" and select the organisation access.
Important notes
For further information and support, please contact
Why should I be careful when choosing a password?
Remember that if a password is misused, you as the authorised user can be held responsible for any damage (see § 4 User obligations in the user guidelines).
It is therefore important to find a password that is complicated enough so that others cannot guess it or find out about it using brute-force methods.
At the same time it must be memorable so that it can be typed in quickly without anyone else following the keystrokes on the keyboard.
It makes no sense to have passwords that you cannot remember and therefore have to be written down on notes etc.
What does a "bad" password look like?
What are the formal requirements for a password in the university domain?
How do I choose a "good" password?
One way is to choose a mnemonic with at least 8 words. The first letters of the words will then be the password. To increase security, at least one digit should appear in the sentence. A change between upper and lower case is also recommended.
Example: I like eating 2 pork knuckles in the dining hall. This results in the password: Ieg2SidM
Password change / forgotten
If you have forgotten your password and you have not stored a mobile phone number in Identity Management, please send an e-mail with your scanned student ID to
You want to download complete directories or upload files or directories: Establish a VPN connection and then connect the corresponding network drive.
The WLAN @BayernWLAN can be used by everyone on the Deggendorf campus and the associated technology campus. After connecting to the WLAN and calling up a website (Attention: no https) you only have to agree to the terms of use. Please note that data transmission in the BayernWLAN is unencrypted and you can only access internal services of the university with VPN.
Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching (formerly Imagine or DreamSpark Premium) is a program for faculties and vocational schools in the MINT area. Here you can get Microsoft developer and designer tools (incl. Windows) for free.
Through Microsoft's Student Advantage Benefit Program, all students can access the latest versions of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher and Access. An Office 365 subscription costs 12.90 euros per month. Students at the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences can now use this service free of charge for the duration of their studies.
To enable you, as a DIT student, to learn in a self-determined way with digital media, your professors and lecturers, together with the Digitalisation | Innovation in Education department, use the latest information and communication technologies. Digital teaching has great advantages for both students and teachers. Students can learn at their own pace, independent of time and place, which means that you as a student benefit from more flexibility. In addition, the Department of Digitalisation | Innovation in Education supports your professors and lecturers in making virtual teaching more varied by advising them on teaching methods and technical aids for digital teaching. Linking and combining virtual (e.g. online lectures with teams or Zoom, virtual courses on our learning management platform iLearn) and non-virtual (e.g. face-to-face teaching at DIT) learning settings is essential for modern and innovative teaching.
Courses at DIT usually have a virtual course room on the iLearn platform. Here you can find, for example, learning content provided by your lecturers as part of your courses as well as current information that the lecturers have posted in the forum. You can also organise group work and exchange information productively. You can log into iLearn with your university account.
How to find your way around the university's own learning platform iLearn is explained in this tutorial: Video for the first login to iLearn
The Virtual University of Bavaria (vhb) offers you, as a student, high-quality virtual courses free of charge. If you want to deepen or broaden your knowledge in some areas, it is worth taking a look at the vhb homepage.
In the CLASSIC vhb course programme, detailed descriptions and demo versions are available for all courses. You can also register directly via this page. Simply log in to the site and click on "Course login" to access your vhb courses.
During the course duration of a CLASSIC-vhb course, which is largely oriented to the lecture period of the sponsoring university, you will find support for questions and problems from specially trained online tutors. CLASSIC-vhb courses are either firmly anchored in your study plan or you can take and use them voluntarily for additional knowledge acquisition. A certificate of achievement is offered for each CLASSIC-vhb course. If and how you can integrate vhb examinations that are not firmly anchored in your study plan into your studies, please clarify this directly with the Centre for Studies before taking a course.
Under OPEN vhb you will find shorter, open courses at university level that may be of interest to you as well as to the general public. Courses that prepare you for your studies and courses that accompany your studies are also offered here. These courses are not designed to count towards your degree. Here you can find the OPEN-vhb course overview.
You can find information and instructions on digital teaching:
If you have any further or individual questions, the Digitalisation | Innovation in Education team will be happy to help you.
You can reach us at
User guidelines for information processing systems of DIT
The Deggendorf Institute of Technology and its facilities ("operator" or "system operator") operate an information processing infrastructure (IV infrastructure), consisting of data processing equipment (computers), communication systems (networks) and other auxiliary information processing facilities. The IV infrastructure is integrated into the German science network (WiN) and thus into the worldwide Internet.
The present user guidelines regulate the conditions under which the services offered can be used.
The user guidelines:
All function designations refer to women and men in the same way. No linguistic differentiation is made in the wording of the individual regulations.
These user guidelines apply to computer systems (computers), communication networks (networks) and other auxiliary information processing equipment that is provided for information processing purposes at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology within the scope of the tasks assigned to the universities by law (cf. Art.2 BayHSchG). They regulate the modalities of use of these facilities, in particular the rights and oblications of the users as well as the tasks of the system operators.
The so-called IV resources referred to in § 1, shall be available for members of the Deggendorf Institute ot Technology for the fulfilment of their research, teaching, study, continuing education and public relations tasks of the universities and for other tasks described in Art. 2 of the BayHSchG. The use of these resources may also be permitted for cooperation partners of teachers of the university in reasearch and teaching. Other people and institutions, especially members of the other universities, may be permitted to use these resources. Members of the Deggendorf Insitute of Technology shall contact either the IT centre or the organisational unit responsible for them (cf. § 3, paragraph 1).
Whoever wants to use IV resources according to § 1, requires a formal user authorisation fromt he responsible system operator. Excluded are services that are set up for anonymous access (e.g. information services, library services, short-term guest identification at conferences).
System operators are responsible for
The formal application for a user authorisation must be submitted to the computer centre and must contain the following information:
If the extent of the decentralised resources does not justify the effort of an own user administration, however, due to the network usage associated with the use of decentralised computers at least an acceptance of these user policies is required (automatically given with the proof of a user authorisation for the central systems).
The system operator may only request further information if it is absolutely necessary to decide on the application.
The responsible system operator decides on the application. he may make the granting of the right of use dependent on proof of certain knowledge of the use of the system. The application must be rejected if the applicant does not accept the user guidelines. The user authorisation may only be denied if
The right of use only entitles the user to work in connection with the use applied for. The right of use expires if the user is no longer a member of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology and no explicit agreement on cooperation (see § 2, para. 1) has been made.
The IV Resources according to § 1 may only be used for the purposes specified in §2. Use for other purposes, in particular for private or commercial purposes, may only be permitted upon application to the university and against payment.
The user is obliged to ensure that they use the available resources (workstations, CPU capacity, disk space, line capacities, peripheral devices and consumables) in a responsible and economically sensible manner. The user is obliged to refrain from interfering with the operation and to avoid to the best of his knowledge anything that could cause damage to the IV infrastructure or to other users.
Contracentions can also give rise to claims for damages in the event of negligence (§ 7). The user must refrain from any kind of misuse of the IV infrastructure. They are especially obliged to do so,
The user bears full responsibility for all actions taken under his used ID, even if these actions are taken by third parties to whom he has at least negligently provided access.
The user is furthermore obliged,
Contraventions can also gie rise to claims for damages in cases of negligence (§ 7).
The IV infrastructure may only be used in a legally correct manner. It is expressly pointed out that the following conduct in particular is punishable under the Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch):
The Deggendorf Institute of Technology reserves the right to pursue criminal proceedings as well as civil law claims (§ 7).
The user is not allowed to use the following without the consent of the responsible system operator
The authorisation to install software must be clarified with the system operator in each individual case.
The user is obliged to agree a plan for processing personal data with the system operator before beginning. This does not affect the obligations arising from the provisions of the Data Protection Act. The user is prohibited from takine note of and/or using messages intended for other users without authorisation.
The user is obliged
Each user is responsible for the effects of the programs they run. They must inform themselves sufficiently about the effects beforehand.
Each system operator should keep a record of the user authorisations granted. The documentation must be kept for at least two years after the expiry of the authorisation. The system operator shall contribute in an appropriate manner, in particular in the form of regular spot checks, to prevent or detect misuse. In particular, he is entitled to
Furthermore, the system operator is entitled to carry out random checks to ensure that the systems are not being misused.
The system operator is obliged to maintain confidentiality. The system operator shall make known the contact people for the support of their users; if necessary, he hsall issue additional, supplementary user guidelines. The system operator is obliged to comply with the usage and access guidelines of other operators when dealing with their computers and networks.
The system operator does not warrant that the system functions will meet the specific requirements of the user or that the system will operate without error or interruption. The system operator cannot guarantee the integrity (with regards to destruction, manipulation) and confidentiality of the date stored with him. The system operator shall not be liable for damages of any kind incurred by the user as a result of the use of the IV resources pursuant to § 1, with the exception of intentional behaviour on the part of the system operator or the people whose services the system operator uses to perform its tasks.
In the event of violations of statutory provisions or the provisions of these user guidelines, in particular
the system operator can restrict or withdraw the user authorisation as long as proper use by the user does not appear to be guaranteed. It is irrelevant whether or not the violation resulted in material damage.
In the case of serious and repeated violations, a user who cannot be expected to comply with the terms and conditions of use due to his behavious can be permanently excluded from the use of all IV resources according to § 1. The decision is made by the IT centre (RZ), in agreement with the management of the University of Applied Sciences, for the entire scope of these usage guidelines. Violation against legal regulations or against the provisions of these usage guidelines will be checked for their relevance under criminal law as well as for civil law claims. The system operators are obliged to notify the Registrat of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology of any facts that appear to be of relevance under criminal and civil law, who will examine whether appropriate further steps can be taken. The Deggendorf Institute of Technology expressly reserves the right to prosecute criminal steps as well as civil law claims.
Fees for the use of IV resources may be set in separate regulations. For certain systems, supplementary or deviating usage regulations may be laid down as required. The place of jurisdiction for all legal claims arising from the use relationship is Deggendorf.
For the cooperation of users of DFN communications services (Decided by the Board of Managing Directors on 16 May, 1994)
The aim of the user regulations is to regulate the cooperation between users. In order to achieve this goal, a number of supporting organisational measures by the user facilities are required in the following and rules of conduct are established for the sensible use of network resources and to prevent misuse.
The user regulations are primarily intended for people who are responsible for the provision of communications services in the member facilities of DFN-Verein. It is expected that each facility informs its end users of these user regulations. In addition, it is recommended that separate user regulations be drawn up for the locally provided communications services which comply with or refer to the guidelines set out in this document.
Compliance with these rules is in the common interest of all parties involved, since the waste of network resources or their misuse could lead to an increase in user charges and to irregularities in the use of the services.
The user regulations refer to the DFN services which are provided on the basis of the German Research Network WiN and which serve to provide a high-performance and interference-free communication infrastructure for the institutions using it. On the one hand, this refers to the WiN with transitions to other networks that are provided for communication, on the other hand to the infrastructure for electronic mail (e.g. gateways and relays) and information services.
Each institution involved in DFN is responsible for the performance of the tasks of network administrator, postmaster and those responsible for applications as well as for consulting and training. The tasks do not necessarily have to be performed by different people in the institution. Depending on the size of the institution, one person will perform more than one of the tasks described. However, it is necessary that each institution entrusts the taks to the people responsible for the functions described. The people entrusted with these functions should be obliged to follow the roung strategies agreed upon within DFN-Verein (e.g. IP routing, mail routing).
2.1 Network administrator function
DFN-Verein recommends that the local network administratot will be assigned the following tasks: The network administrator ensures
2.2 Postmaster function
To ensure the smooth running of the mail service, a postmaster should be appointed to perform the following tasks:
2.3 Function of a person responsible for applications
A person responsible for applications should be appointed for the following tasks:
2.4 Advisory and training function
The performance of this function is necessary to avoid misuse by the end users. It consists of the following tasks:
3.1 Abusive use
The use of the DFN services is abusive if the behaviour of the users violates relevant protective regulations (e.g. criminal law, youth protection law, data protection law). Due to their expertise, users of the communications services must be aware of the respective relevance, in particular under criminal law, of computer crimes, the distribution of pornographic images and writings or the theft, alteration or other manipulation of data and programmes. This expertise also relates to the sensitivity of the transmission of data that is likely to impair the personal rights of others and/or their privacy or to violate existing copyrights or licenses based on them. Abusive use is also defined as use that fulfils the following, not exhaustively listed circumstances:
3.2 Recommendations to the user facilities to prevent abuse
When it comes to abuse of DFN services, a rough distinction can be made between abuse due to ignorance, negligent and intentional abuse. Depending on the type of abuse, different activities are required to prevent it. They range from informing users, to increased technical security measures, to the threat of exclusion from use and liability for culpably caused damage. By carrying out the required training and counselling function and by educating other users about the effects of incorrect usage behaviour on other users, abuse arising from ignorance and negligent misuse can be counteracted. This includes in particular requiring end-users to keep all passwords needed to access communications services confidential and encouraging them to choose passwords which cannot be decrypted by simple cracking programmes.
In addition, providers of communications services should. to a reasonable extent, provide procedures to safeguard and protect the personal nature and confidentiality of messaged or sensitive data exchanged by electronic means. Depending on the security relevance of the data, the following is recommended:
In cases where users are granted unrestricted access to certain data sets, appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that users cannot gain unauthorised access to further non-public data sets in this way. Furthermore, the operators are obliged to support DFN-Verein to a reasonable extent in detecting and preventing unauthorised use.
In addition, local rules and regulations are to be used to draw the attention of end users to the permissible use of communications services and the effects of misconduct or to warn them against misuse.
The institutions using the German Research Network are obliged to familiarise their end users with the user regulations and the relevant contracts with DFN-Verein.
In case of violations of the user regulations, the facilities using the German Research Network are obliged to stop the abuse immediately and to inform each other.
If it is necessary to protect the interests of all facilities which use the communications services of DFN-Verein, unauthorised use may lead to the exclusion of individual people or facilities from using the services offered or parts thereof. In particularly serious cases where the unauthorised use constitutes a violation of applicable law, civil or criminal proceedings may be initiated.
Only people in possession of a valid personal user ID are entitles to use the data processing equipment of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology. Violations of the user guidelines or the regulations for the user of information systems of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology may lead to the (temporary) revocation of the user's autorisation and, if necessary, to recourse claims. The IT laboratories can be used during the current opening hours (see notice board). Outside these house, a special permit is required (e.g. for a diplima thesis). Access is only permitted with your own user ID. Anyone logging on to a system with a different user ID will be temporarily excluded from computing operations. After clarification of the facts, further measures can be taken. The same applies if an attempt is made to spy on access data or other protected data. This also includes the use of any kind of sniffer.
Each user can access 25 Gigabytes of storage volume within his cloud directory.
The storage space for personal mailboxes is also limited to 1 Gigabyte. If this limit is exceeded, e-mails can neither be received nor sent. Old messages must then be deleted.
For the use of the university's own printers, students are charged a contribution towards expenses in the following amount:
1 page print on | Price |
Laser b/w | € 0,05 |
Laser colour | € 0,20 |
Before starting work on a computer, check that all components of the workstation, as far as accessible, are in perfect condition. Any faults must be reported immediately to the supervisory staff or the computer centre. The manuals require for the respective application can, if available, be borrowed from the supervisor for the duration of the session against deposit of the student or identity card. Manuals can be borrowed for a limited time for use outside the computer pool from the stock of the computer centre or the department, provided that a deposit of an appropriate amount has been paid and a borrowing slip has been completed in full. The instructions in the manuals are authoritative for the operation of the equipment - especially in the event of a fault. Furthermore, the supervisory staff is available to answer questions. Smoking, eating or drinking is not permitted in the rooms in which workstation computers are located. The user must behave in such a way that other users are not disturbed. The instructions of the supervisory staff must be followed. The workplace printers are supplied with paper by the supervisory staff. Paper or copyable foils other than those provided may only be inserted by a supervisor. Further working materials than those mentioned above will not be provided. Only equipment procured by the university and known to the computer centre my be operated on the university network. In particular, it is prohibited to connect notebooks brough along to the data network. Contraventions will be punished.
The installation of software on computer systems of the university is prohibited. If a software is required for certain work (e.g. diploma thesis), a valid license must be available and may have to be procured first. Consultation with the laboratory engineer and/or the computer centre is required in any case. The computer centre carries out regular spot checks. If software is discovered that was installed by the computer centre or a laboratory engineer, the user's ID is temporarily withdrawn. Virus monitors are installed on the computers. Anyone who discovers a virus must remove it immediately and inform the computer centre. The downloading of viruses and Trojan horses is prohibited. Not even for any test purposes. The download of MP3 files from the internet is prohibited. The same applies to streaming audio (listening to the radio at work). Excluded from this are data intended for teaching purposes. It is also forbidden to keep MP3 files on data carriers of the unversity and to offer them! However, it is possible to bring and play your own data carriers (LS 120, CD) with appropriate content. Copying the programmes provided in the computer pools as well as the accompanying and documentation material is strictly prohibited. Exceptions are only permitted if the copying has been approved by the authors or authorised users or by the management of the computer centre. If problems occur when handling software or hardware, the user must first attempt to solve the problem himself. The source of information is e.g. the intranet with FAQs and instructions.
The following protocols are recorded by the computer centre:
Log files with personal data are stored for a period of 6 months. Log files without personal data can be archived indefinitely. A user's log files will only be inspected by the management of the computer centre together with the data protection officer and, depending on the user's affiliation, by a student representative or amemeber of the staff council in the event of a justified suspicion. The log files are evaluated at regular intervals for statistical purposes and resource planning. Personal data is not affected by this.
The inventory must be treated with care. The user is liable for all damages caused by him. The user is responsible for correctly shutting down the operating system and switching off the devices (with monitor and possibly connected printers!). Exception: Courses are still taking place in the room in question afterwards. Computers that provide a server service (e.g. print servers) must not be shut down during the day. The last person to leave the room is responsible for switching off all equipment. Rules of conduct for e-mail communication: keep e-mails small! There are users who read their e-mails at home and have to wait more than 10 minutes for an e-mail of the appropriate size. Attention! When inserting files into an e-mail, the resulting e-mail can become very larger. To test this, send the e-mail to yourself first and then send it to a larger group of recipients! Keep the address list small! Use distribution lists, do not simply add all e-mail recipients to the mailing list. Pay attention to contents! Especially if the mailing list also contains employees! Offers/requests for sale or similar have no place in the email system of the university. The message service is primarily activated for system services. The use is allowed from user to user, but not the sending of messages to user or computer groups.
In the event of violations of the above regulations, the computer centre will withdraw the user authorisation for one to two weeks in the case of minor offences. After this period has elapsed, the person concerned must submit a written statement (approx. on DIN A4 page) on his or her conduct. The computer centre will then decide on the basis of the statement and the facts of the case whether the user will be granted access again or whether further measures are necessary. In particularly serious cases, the user can be permanently excluded from computer operation. If a violation is a more serious case or if there is even a criminal complaint from outside, the facts of the case are forwarded to the responsible department or to the Registrat of the Institute of Technology. After examining the facts of the case, a criminal complaint can also be filed against the user.
These terms of use are valid as of official announcement. If a new version of these regulations is published, the old version loses its validity and the new version comes into force. Anyone who does not rais an objection within a period of 14 days acknowledges the new regulations. In the other case, if the user does not agree with the terms of use, he loses a legal basis for his user identification, which will then be closed.