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dit students

you are pioneering and vibrant

international students.

programmes, events & activities designed especially for you

intercultural social evenings

erzählcafé in deggendorf

Erzählcafé encourages intercultural communication between students from various nations and across all age limits. In cooperation with the Kulturviertel, international students present topics such as personal stories, morals, customs, holidays and traditions from their homeland. A round of discussion about the chosen topic follows after each presentation and international refreshments are provided.

More information can be found in the Erzählcafé flyer.


  • Anyone who is interested can register and take part


  • Preregistration is necessary as participants are limited
  • Please contact erzaehlcafe@th-deg.de or register in office B 210


  • Monday, 19 May 2025, 6 - 8 pm


  • Stories around the world
  • Café im Handwerksmuseum, Maria-Ward-Platz 1, 94469 Deggendorf


kulturcafé in pfarrkirchen

KULTURcafé aims at bringing together people with different backgrounds into a fruitful dialogue. Everyone who is interested in other cultures is invited to join us for the KULTURcafé. We want to welcome students, staff as well citizens of Pfarrkirchen, regardless of their age, religion or origin. The idea is to create a nice welcoming atmosphere in which bridges can be built across all differences. Coffee, tea and international specialities will be provided.

Experience other cultures first-hand. Foreign students will share insights into the culture, customs and daily life in their home country which will form the basis for the following moderated discussion rounds, which leave participants happy with a new cross-cultural understanding.

Contact for registration


  • tba


  • Glasbau Verein e.V., Ringstraße 9, 84347 Pfarrkirchen



host family programme

Programme description

The Host Family programme is a project in which local families bond with one or more international student(s). The families spend time with their student(s) by inviting them to dinner or on a family day trip, for example.

It provides the general public the opportunity to get to know international students and possibly brush up their English language skills at the same time, whilst the students experience an insight into the Bavarian lifestyle within the family unit and can build up friendships and socially integrate outside the university community.

Read a personal report in the university blog, written by one of our Deggendorf students who enjoyed her host family in Deggendorf.


  • All international students


How to apply

If you want to join in this activity, please fill in the student application form and send it to your contact peron as detailed above. Applications are only possible if you're in Germany (Deggendorf, Pfarrkirchen or Cham).

Application periods for the Host Family Programme

  • Cham and Pfarrkirchen: 15.09. - 31.10.
  • Deggendorf: 01.03. - 15.04. and 15.09. - 31.10.

Kindly note that applications during the semester are not possible.